Understanding urban dynamics and urban growth is crucial for strategic long-term planning of infrastructure, economic development, environmental sustainability, social equity and overall urban resilience. At its core, the interaction between land use and transportation plays a pivotal role in shaping urban dynamics, and such interactions and dynamics can be most efficiently understood by modelling. Modelling urban dynamics and growth involves the use of various theoretical frameworks that captures transportation infrastructure affects land use patterns and vice versa. In this course, the students will not only be introduced with theories about land use and transportation interactions, but also knowledges and techniques of implementing models that encodes the interactions quantitatively. Several modelling frameworks (to be specified) will be introduced to simulate travel decisions and behaviours, mobility and accessibility, land use land cover changes. On top of developing the modelling capacity, the students will also be trained to assess and interpret the modelled scenarios, so that to link the modelling into the practical context of urban planning and policy making.
Basic statistical analyses, Spatial statistics
Urban Futures Modelling


Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation