. . "201800299" . "NRM_004" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-07-06T22:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "online" . "With lectures, we will introduce you to background knowledge, concepts and theory behind environmental models. Supervised and unsupervised practicals on the environmental models are scheduled throughout the course for hands-on experience. A day is typically closed with a plenary question and answer session. Knowledge is tested with one graded individual assignment and one written test."@en . . . . . . . "(NRM3 is not a prerequisite) Basic knowledge on and skills in remote sensing and GIS. ,Basic knowledge on and skills in remote sensing and GIS."@en . . . . . . . . . "7"^^ . "4" . "2B" . . . . "2023-04-23T22:00:00Z"^^ . "The previous Natural Resource Management (NRM) courses have focused on the inventory natural resources and to detect and assess changes in the environment such as loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, deforestation and forest degradation and threats to food security due to decreased crop yields. Different methods and techniques are available to guide NRM in its efforts to reverse resource degradation or alleviate its consequences. Proper understanding of cause and effect of changes in natural resources is crucial to achieve this. As these changes occur in the real-world, and not in a laboratory set-up, making statements about causal relations is a challenge.\n\nIn this course, students will study generic techniques and apply and evaluate environmental models that aim to estimate change in natural resources in response to environmental changes."@en . "Environmental modelling: causes and impacts of changing resources"@en . . "Environmental modelling: causes and impacts of changing resources"@en . "Env. Modelling: Changing Resources"@en . . "201800278" . "NRM_001" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-02-02T23:00:00Z"^^ . "We apply a mix of different activating teaching and learning approaches which includes interactive teaching, reflective teaching (learning by doing), e-learning, individual and group exercises and problem-based project work."@en . . . . . . . . "Core_001, Core_002, Core_003 ,A prerequisite is to have finished the core modules at ITC or to have a basic level in GIS and remote sensing."@en . . . "1"^^ . "2" . "1B" . "2022-11-13T23:00:00Z"^^ . "Natural resources management has a multi-disciplinary character. So does this course. Students will learn to unravel complex systems and to deal with different stakeholders and conflicting interests in Natural Resources Management. It will set a common basis for all sorts of research and other activities in the field of NRM. Particular attention is given to the spatial and temporal dynamics of natural systems and data needs for the management of these.\n\nConcepts of NRM are reviewed and discussed. Students are introduced to apply systems thinking and learn to apply analytical reasoning when translating complex real-world situations into conceptual diagrams. This enables them to describe and develop knowledge about how ecosystems work and how humans make an impact on natural systems. Students discover how essential this step is in identifying meaningful biophysical and socio-economic variables for scientifically sound decision making and management of natural resources. They also put themselves in the shoes of a stakeholder in an NRM conflict and apply remote sensing and GIS to help making claims or illustrate possible solutions. Conceptualising real-world situations helps students in identifying knowledge gaps and formulating research hypotheses.\n\nNatural Resources Management is a multiple-stakeholder effort per default. Therefore, part of the assignments will involve working in multi-disciplinary teams."@en . "Systems approach for management of natural resources"@en . . "Systems approach for management of natural resources"@en . "Systems Approach for Mgt of Nat. Resourc"@en . . "NRM_002" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "From Data to Geo-information for Natural Resources Management"@en . "201800284" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-02-02T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "hybrid" . "The main component of the course is an NRM case study, which requires the definition of a prototype data processing chain adapted to the specific characteristics of the NRM problem under consideration.\n\nDuring the course, students will be guided in the development of this prototype data processing chain through lectures, tutorials and supervised practical. At the end of each week, students have to submit an individual assignment related to the definition of one component of the prototype (e.g., conceptual design, EO and GIS database, etc.). During the process, students can interact with their peers and course staff to define the processing chain and implement the prototype version in GEE."@en . . . . . . . "CORE_001, CORE_002, CORE_004, RS, GIS, concepts of NRM, and systems-based thinking. Students should have some GIS and remote sensing background. "@en . . . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "2" . "3" . "4" . "1B" . . . . . "2022-11-13T23:00:00Z"^^ . "Sound natural resource management requires adequate geoinformation describing the spatial and temporal dimensions of ecosystems. This involves - in most cases - large datasets from multiple sources and stakeholders from different disciplines and institutions. The collection of these data and the definition of ad-hoc automatic data processing chains are nowadays necessary to support planning or management activities of a forest, agricultural or ecological systems.\n\nDuring this course, the student will learn the basic concepts for the conceptual design and development of a prototype data processing chain based on Earth Observation (EO) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to support planning and decision-making in Natural Resource Management (NRM) situations. Upon completion, students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the collection, preparation, processing and interpretation of spatial information provided by EO and GIS data to address a specific NRM problem.\n\nAt the end of the course, the student should be able to execute simple scripts, make minor modifications and search online for existing scripts to design a basic processing chain. The developed prototype must be presented, explained and justified in the final report."@en . "From data to geo-information for natural resources management"@en . "From Data to Geo-info for NRM"@en . . "201800292" . "NRM_003" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-04-20T22:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "online" . "The course takes a student-centered (inquiry-based) approach to teaching and learning. Students assume an active/participatory role in their education, while teachers are facilitators who encourage interaction with new material presented and reflective thinking. The teacher uses class discussions, hands-on practicals and other experiential learning tools to track student comprehension, learning needs and academic progress over a teaching unit. Three summative assessments (written exam + individual assignment + final group project) measure how well the students achieve higher order thinking and learning outcomes."@en . . . . . . "NRM_001 and NRM_002 are not prerequisites. Basic knowledge on and skills in remote sensing and GIS. ,Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation: A Systems-Based Approach\n\nSystems Approach for Management of Natural Resources (NRM specialization 2.1)\n\nFrom Data to Geo-Information for Natural Resources Management (NRM specialization 2.2)\n\nNRM_001 and NRM_002 are preferred. "@en . . . . . . . . . . "9"^^ . "3" . "2A" . . "2023-02-05T23:00:00Z"^^ . "The 21st century has witnessed an increase in the availability of Earth observation (EO) data and their use in addressing critical problems in natural resources management (NRM). The myriad of datasets and stakeholder needs can make the selection of a specific sensor and analytical technique to address a problem a daunting task. At the heart of this dilemma is the scale of observation at which we can effectively address the problem. Biophysical processes, flows or interactions can occur at the plant, canopy or regional scale. Similarly, image-based map products have a specific purpose. For example, food security analysts may want to know the location of crop field boundaries in an agroecosystem, while foresters may want to assess forest stand biomass.\n\nThe guiding principle of this course, therefore, is to use the scale observation together with stakeholder needs to select and apply an appropriate EO dataset and analytical technique to solve problems within the three NRS Forest, Agriculture and Environment in the Spatial Sciences (FORAGES) themes (biodiversity conservation, forest management and food security analysis). In the end, students will be able to design a workflow to address these problems that includes the appropriate selection of EO data and analytical techniques."@en . "Mapping and monitoring for natural resources management"@en . . "Mapping and monitoring for natural resources management"@en . "Mapping & Monitoring for NRM/EO for Natural Resources Management"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO) is a two-year academic curriculum at MSc level, taught fully in English, dedicated to understanding the earth’s systems from a geographic and spatial perspective. The field of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation has, in recent years, witnessed fast scientific and technological developments. As a result, geographic information has become a vital asset to society and part of our daily life. The ubiquitous production and availability of spatial data require cloud computing and new technology to turn the increasing volume of ‘big data’ to good use. The growing range of global challenges, from climate change and resource depletion to environmental pollution and pandemic diseases, that our society and in particular the more vulnerable populations on our planet are facing, increases the demand for academic professionals who have the ability, attitudes and skills to design solutions that are sustainable, transdisciplinary and innovative with positive societal impacts. Our education focuses on addressing these global problems by means of advanced geo-information and earth observation applications."@en . "Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO)"@en . . "Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO)"@en . . . "Specialisation" . "Natural Resource Management"@en .