. . "201800310" . "EOS_0005" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-07-06T22:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "Lectures, recorded mini-lectures, flipped classroom, supervised exercises, self-study. The lectures will focus on providing a first overview on the various topics as well as on the explanation of the more advanced point cloud processing methods. Not every topic will be addressed in the lectures. The students are expected to study five book chapters and selected articles independently. During the course several lecture hours will be used for discussion of the studied book chapter and articles."@en . . . . . . . "Completed Bachelor with some mathematics and physics. Basic remote sensing knowledge is an advantage, but not strictly required.,Completed Bachelor with some mathematics and physics. Basic remote sensing knowledge is an advantage, but not strictly required."@en . . . "5"^^ . "4" . "2B " . "2023-04-23T22:00:00Z"^^ . "Airborne, terrestrial and mobile laser scanning are modern technologies to acquire and monitor the geometry of the Earth's surface and objects above the surface like buildings, trees and road infrastructure. This course provides an overview on the state of the art of these techniques, potential applications, like digital terrain modelling and 3D city modelling, as well as methods to extract geo-information from the recorded point clouds."@en . "Laser Scanning"@en . . "Laser Scanning"@en . "Laser Scanning"@en . . . "Learning outcome"@en . . "Explain how to combine GNSS, IMU, and range finder measurements as well as relative sensor registration parameters to generate a point cloud."@en . "Explain how to combine GNSS, IMU, and range finder measurements as well as relative sensor registration parameters to generate a point cloud."@en .