. . "201900043" . "AES_0006" . "5"^^ . "140"^^ . "10"^^ . "2022-11-10T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "The course contains lectures to introduce new theory, reading assignments followed by feedback sessions to deepen the theory and supervised and unsupervised practicals to put the theory into practice.\n\nThe course has a strong peer component, where the students will learn from each other’s experiences. TIR applications in various domains and will be introduced through finding, reading and discussing relevant literature in a peer-discussion context. Students will ask and answer questions based on paper presentations, to get accustomed to scientific scrutiny by their respective peers.\n\nThe course will be completed with a mini-project where students define a small research question that fits their background and interests, and they will design an experiment to answer that question using TIR data or instrumentation. It is possible to link this part of the course to the students’ own MSc topic if it is related to TIR remote sensing. Alternatively, students can choose from a list of possible topics and datasets to work on for this course based on their interest."@en . . . . . . "Open for students in the programmes ‘Geo-information Science and Earth Observation’ (M-GEO) and ‘Spatial Engineering’ (M-SE), with knowledge of earth materials (atmosphere, water, soil, rocks, vegetation). The suitability of other candidates will be assessed on an individual basis.M-SE students interested in following this course should consult with the course coordinator to resolve possible overlaps with the M-SE \"International Module\",Open for students in the programmes ‘Geo-information Science and Earth Observation’ (M-GEO) and ‘Spatial Engineering’ (M-SE), with knowledge of earth materials (atmosphere, water, soil, rocks, vegetation). The suitability of other candidates will be assessed on an individual basis.\n\nM-SE students interested in following this course should consult with the course coordinator to resolve possible overlaps with the M-SE \"International Module\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . "1" . "1A " . . "2022-09-04T22:00:00Z"^^ . "Remote sensing in the thermal infrared (TIR) spectral region is highly complementary to other remote sensing techniques, such as reflective remote sensing (VIS-SWIR) or microwave remote sensing (RADAR). TIR remote sensing measures the energy that is emitted by the studied objects themselves. By analysing the TIR data we can gain insight on the objects' temperature as well as composition. These parameters are crucial when studying phenomena such as land and sea surface temperature, (geo-) thermal heat fluxes, crop health, urban heat islands and mineralogic composition of soils, rocks and drill cores.\n\nIn this course we will take a multi-application look at thermal remote sensing. The students will learn how TIR remote sensing works in theory and practice. They will get instructed on several state-of-the-art TIR instruments in Faculty ITC's GeoScience Laboratory and will get the chance to experiment and practice with the instruments themselves.\n\nThe course contains a component where the students will define a small research question, and design an experiment to answer that question using TIR data or instruments. As this course runs parallel with research proposal writing of the M-GEO programme, a cross-fertilization between the two courses is possible and encouraged."@en . "Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: from Theory to Applications"@en . . "Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing"@en . "Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing"@en . . . "Learning outcome"@en . . "Summarize the usage of TIR data and its limitations in various application fields."@en . "Summarize the usage of TIR data and its limitations in various applic