. . . "Demonstrate and describe the approach to optimize model parameters by use of objective functions."@en . . "Demonstrate and describe the approach to optimize model parameters by use of objective functions."@en . . . "Assess water balance closure for integrated models."@en . . "Assess water balance closure for integrated models."@en . . . "Conceptualize hydrological catchment system behaviour to construct a water balance."@en . . "Conceptualize hydrological catchment system behaviour to construct a water balance."@en . . . "Interpret and explain the sources of error and uncertainty in modelling."@en . . "Interpret and explain the sources of error and uncertainty in modelling."@en . . . "Select, set-up and run hydrological models."@en . . "Select, set-up and run hydrological models."@en . . . "Assess functioning of model parameters as well as selected boundary condition."@en . . "Assess functioning of model parameters as well as selected boundary condition."@en . . . "Understand basic concepts of satellite data-model integration."@en . . "Understand basic concepts of satellite data-model integration."@en . . . "Identify and argue for key factors that affect model performance so to reason for plausibility of obtained model performance."@en . . "Identify and argue for key factors that affect model performance so to reason for plausibility of obtained model performance."@en . . . "Process selected satellite data to support catchment and surface water modelling."@en . . "Process selected satellite data to support catchment and surface water modelling."@en . . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152815" . . "Error propagation and uncertainty assessment"@en . . . . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152831" . . "Rainfall-runoff and flood modelling"@en . . . . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152846" . . "Model calibration"@en . . . . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152870" . . "DTM acquisition"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO) is a two-year academic curriculum at MSc level, taught fully in English, dedicated to understanding the earth’s systems from a geographic and spatial perspective. The field of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation has, in recent years, witnessed fast scientific and technological developments. As a result, geographic information has become a vital asset to society and part of our daily life. The ubiquitous production and availability of spatial data require cloud computing and new technology to turn the increasing volume of ‘big data’ to good use. The growing range of global challenges, from climate change and resource depletion to environmental pollution and pandemic diseases, that our society and in particular the more vulnerable populations on our planet are facing, increases the demand for academic professionals who have the ability, attitudes and skills to design solutions that are sustainable, transdisciplinary and innovative with positive societal impacts. Our education focuses on addressing these global problems by means of advanced geo-information and earth observation applications."@en . "Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO)"@en . . "Master’s Programme Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (M-GEO)"@en . . . . "Course"@en . "201800298" . "WRS_0001" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-07-06T22:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "Combination of frontal and participatory teaching; Self-study, and Practical’s that serve submission of assignments."@en . "The course is planned in parallel to the course on ‘Observing and modelling of surface water in a changing world’. ,Proven knowledge on hydrology, EO and hydrological modelling concepts."@en . "2"^^ . "4" . "2B " . "2023-04-23T22:00:00Z"^^ . "The course aims at various aspects of integrated water resource modelling for surface water assessments. Aspects of catchment system representation for integrated surface water – groundwater, rainfall-runoff, floods, Lakes and water allocation for food production will be addressed. Mechanisms on runoff production, model parameterization, model integration and coupling; multi-objective model calibration, effects of time-space scales, model error propagation and uncertainties will be addressed. An introduction to numerical 1d2d flood-modelling will be provided. A number of case studies with employing satellite data (DEM/Rain/ET/Floods/Moisture) will be discussed with emphasis on rainfall-runoff and flood modelling including stream flow modelling and water balance closure analysis. Use of earth observation data of DEMs, flood-events and water cycle variables such as rainfall and evapotranspiration will be shown, as well as use of data from climatic models for water resources impact assessments. Knowledge transfer is by lecturing and student participatory teaching. A number of assignments are available. Digital terrain modelling by flying drones and processing of collected terrain data will be practiced as well."@en . "Catchment Hydrology and Surface Water"@en . "Catchment Hydrology and Surface Water"@en . "Catchment Hydrology and