. . . . "ITC Bok"@en . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152875" . . "Land tenure"@en . . "58" . "2.5" . "70.0" . "5.0" . . . . . "blended" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No"@en . "No"@en . . . . . . "2.0" . "2.0" . "The management of space is one of the big challenges that human societies have to deal with. Competing claims over the use of finite resources have pushed human societies to develop institutions, technologies and paradigms that help manage these competing usages. Challenges like increasing urbanization, the depletion of land and other natural resources, and climate change make this management of space ever more urgent.\nThe governance of land and urban development is essential when considering development approaches to support sustainable futures. As a concept, governance encapsules (1) Multi level co-ordination and multi-faceted problems; (2) Multi actor networks, and (3) Multi-instrumental steering mechanisms. This implies that an understanding of problems, actors and steering mechanisms involved in the governance of land and urban development is necessarily focused on the context in which a certain problem is placed and how it can be addressed by the governance settings available.\nIn this course we focus on key concepts of land and urban governance. The aim is for the student to gain a background in (challenges of) governance of land and urban development, that will influence how individuals, organizations and institutions work towards land and urban futures. An additional challenge in the course is inviting the students to reflect, discuss and imagine different land and urban futures. "@en . "Urban and Land Futures"@en . . "Urban and Land Futures"@en . "Urban and Land Futures"@en . . "201800279" . "GIMLA_001" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-02-02T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "online" . "The educational approach applied in the course is based on the principles of experience-based learning. Students' experiences and tacit knowledge are an important source of learning. Systematic analysis of these experiences will be combined with scientific knowledge and critical reflection.\nThe course is characterized by a blend of lectures, guest lectures, videos, games and individual and group exercises (reading assignments, poster development, presentations and discussions)."@en . . . . . . "Experience in land administration or motivation to work in land administration."@en . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . "2" . "1B" . . . . . . . "2022-11-13T23:00:00Z"^^ . "This course introduces land administration in the context of land policy and sustainable development using the land management paradigm as an initial guiding framework.\n\nThe land management paradigm stresses the relationship between land policy and land administration functions – land tenure, land value, land use and land development – and the wider societal goals.\n\nThe economic, environmental, and social drivers underpinning land policy development are examined, with an emphasis on the need for securing land rights for all.\n\nBased on the core notion of the people-to-land relationship, land tenure, land rights, land law, security of tenure, and systems of land registration and cadastre are addressed.\n\nNew insights in acknowledging and securing land rights, new societal drivers and innovative technical solutions challenges conventional forms of land administration. The course therefore addresses both conventional and innovative ways of securing land rights, promoting a paradigm shift towards responsible land administration.\n\nThe course relates state-of-the-art scientific knowledge to students' experiences, perceptions and country context."@en . "Responsible land administration"@en . . "Responsible land administration"@en . "Responsible land administration"@en . . . . . . . . . "Spatial Planning; Overview of land administration, Land Policy framework; Land Tenure"@en . "Land and Urban Futures: LU10"@en . . . . . . . . . "Spatial Planning; Overview of land administration, Land Policy framework; Land Tenure"@en . "Land and Urban Futures: LU6"@e