. . "202100006" . "WRS_0006" . "5"^^ . "140"^^ . "10"^^ . "2022-11-10T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "The course starts with a number of lectures setting the general framework and dealing with the governing equations determining the global climate and climate change. Thereafter we will look into the climate at a more local scale, with an emphasis on urban areas. This will take place through lectures which are followed by supervised practical exercises where we deal with the exploration and analysis of typical urban climate datasets. The exercise will be reported by each student and will count as the first individual assignment of this course.\n\nThe latter part of the course consists of regional climate modelling. Here the students will work with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The model will be introduced by lectures followed by supervised practical exercises where each student will set up the model, run it and analyze the output. This will be reported by each student and submitted as the second individual assignment of this course.\n\nThe course will be rounded off by a written test which will be open book, meaning that the lecture notes will be made available during the test."@en . . . . . . "Knowledge of Programming and skills to work on a computer server in LINUX environment are beneficial for the learning process, M-GEO WREM specialization courses, or \n\nMSc level background in meteorology or climatology ,All students in the M-GEO WREM specialization are accepted. Students following other specializations or programmes outside ITC faculty should have a BSc level background in meteorology or climatology."@en . . . . . . "2"^^ . "1" . "1A " . . "2022-09-04T22:00:00Z"^^ . "This course will explain the physical principles governing the (urban) climate and climate change, and offer a set of methods and techniques for its analysis and monitoring. This will encompass measuring and modelling approaches, and their applications for understanding water-energy cycles and their extremes (i.e. heatwaves, drought, and floods) with an emphasis on urban environments."@en . "Water, Climate and Cities"@en . . "Water, Climate and Cities"@en . "Water, Climate and Cities"@en . . . . "ITC Bok"@en . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152809" . . "Regional climate modelling"@en .