. . . . "ITC Bok"@en . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152759" . . "Responsible land administration"@en . . "47" . "5.0" . "140.0" . "10.0" . . . . . "f2f / blended / online " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Foundation Courses, introduction to Urban Land Futures, Data sharing, Data engineering"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No"@en . "No"@en . . . . . "4.0" . "3.0" . "Land administration has long been executed through state-based agencies such as cadastral departments,\nland registry offices, ministries of land, or local governments with their own analogue or digital data\nrepositories. These organizations do not act in a vacuum but within larger institutional fields and forces.\nThe broader environment of land governance, in which public organizations operate, is characterized by\nthe interactions of multiple state and non-state actors, formal and informal practices, a multitude of\nregulatory frameworks and increasing global interconnectivity. This environment has been witnessing\npublic sector reforms and increased adoption of (geo)Information and Communication Technologies (ICT),\nincluding automatization techniques, mobile device-generated data, crowdsourcing and advanced remote\nsensing technologies. In many places, more established forms of organizing meet the latest technological\ndevelopments. While some organizations are beginning to digitize paper-based workflows, others may\nfunction through highly automated and digitized processes. At the same time, information technologies and\ndigital data are not merely neutral tools, but they reflect, transport and transform the practices and values\nof organizations and institutional fields.\nIt is important therefore to understand and learn how to describe, explain, and assess organizational\nchange in response to changing environments, (geo-)ICT implementation using workflows and related\nforms of data sharing, uses and dissemination."@en . "Organizing Land Information in Practice "@en . "Organizing Land Information in Practice"@en . . "Organizing Land Information in Practice "@en . "Organizing Land Information in Practice"@en . "Organizing Land Information in Practice "@en . "Organizing Land Information in Practice"@en . . "201800279" . "GIMLA_001" . "7"^^ . "196"^^ . "10"^^ . "2023-02-02T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "online" . "The educational approach applied in the course is based on the principles of experience-based learning. Students' experiences and tacit knowledge are an important source of learning. Systematic analysis of these experiences will be combined with scientific knowledge and critical reflection.\nThe course is characterized by a blend of lectures, guest lectures, videos, games and individual and group exercises (reading assignments, poster development, presentations and discussions)."@en . . . . . . "Experience in land administration or motivation to work in land administration."@en . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . "2" . "1B" . . . . . . . "2022-11-13T23:00:00Z"^^ . "This course introduces land administration in the context of land policy and sustainable development using the land management paradigm as an initial guiding framework.\n\nThe land management paradigm stresses the relationship between land policy and land administration functions – land tenure, land value, land use and land development – and the wider societal goals.\n\nThe economic, environmental, and social drivers underpinning land policy development are examined, with an emphasis on the need for securing land rights for all.\n\nBased on the core notion of the people-to-land relationship, land tenure, land rights, land law, security of tenure, and systems of land registration and cadastre are addressed.\n\nNew insights in acknowledging and securing land rights, new societal drivers and innovative technical solutions challenges conventional forms of land administration. The course therefore addresses both conventional and innovative ways of securing land rights, promoting a paradigm shift towards responsible land administration.\n\nThe course relates state-of-the-art scientific knowledge to students' experiences, perceptions and country context."@en . "Responsible land administration"@en . . "Responsible land administration"@en . "Responsible land administration"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Describe the key principles, challenges and opportunities for responsible land administration and information management"@e