. . . . "ITC Bok"@en . "https://ltb.itc.utwente.nl/page/792/concept/152744" . . "Ecosystem services"@en . . "201900057" . "NRS_0009" . "5"^^ . "140"^^ . "10"^^ . "2022-11-10T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "Concept, theories, models are introduced to the student with lectures. The lectures followed by (un)supervised practicals to gain hands-one experience. A day is closed with plenary question-and-answer and discussion sessions to share thoughts, insights and doubts. To gain and practice professional implementation of course topic a guest lecture is given by a practitioner, we go outside, and students will solve a real-life challenge. There is a lot of time for self-study to read and do the exercises, informal quizzes, and the assignment. "@en . . . . . . . "ITC-M-GEO students: Completion of core courses; strong interest in interdisciplinary work. Other students: Able to independently use GIS software; strong interest in interdisciplinary work.,ITC-M-GEO students: Completion of core courses; strong interest in interdisciplinary work\nOther students: Able to independently use GIS software; strong interest in interdisciplinary work"@en . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . "1" . "1A " . . . . . "2022-09-04T22:00:00Z"^^ . "This elective is given by NRM, UPM and GFM staff.\n\nEcosystem services i.e., the contributions of nature to human well-being, are increasingly used to describe human-nature interactions in an inclusive way. The ecosystem services concept addresses management objectives that go beyond natural resources or human practices alone, as it focuses on the interactions between nature and society. Geo-information (from earth observation, citizen science, to existing GIS maps) is inherent to ecosystem service assessments since the supply (from ecosystems) and demand (from society) for ecosystem services are spatially explicit. Understanding the ecosystem service concept, selecting and using mapping methods for specific management objectives is therefore essential for incorporating human-nature interactions into environmental management from cities to rural areas and hence the key objective of this course. Managing natural resources in a sustainable way by taking into account human well-being is also at the core of the Sustainable Development Goals as set by the United Nations. After completing this course, the student will have obtained knowledge in the theoretical aspects of the concept of ecosystem services. The student will also be able to select and apply mapping methods and data for ecosystem service assessments on real-life applications in the context of diverse management objectives."@en . "Spatial Analyses: Nature's Benefits to People"@en . . "Spt. Anlyses:nature’s benefits to people"@en . "Spt. Anlyses:nature’s benefits to people"@en . . "201900072" . "WRS_0003" . "5"^^ . "140"^^ . "10"^^ . "2022-11-10T23:00:00Z"^^ . "f2f" . "Lectures, case studies, cloud processing, group project."@en . . . . "Experience with programming would be helpful for the learning process ,Basic EO techniques (optical and SAR) and related software, statistics."@en . . . . . . . "4"^^ . "1" . "1A " . . . "2022-09-04T22:00:00Z"^^ . "Wetlands are very dynamic and very vulnerable environmental resources, providing a wide scale of ecosystem services but being threatened by various human activities.\nThe following EO challenges will be addressed in the course:\n\nSynergic use of optical and SAR image time series for monitoring\nDifferent aspects of wetland mapping (inventory, habitat mapping, hydrological cycles, conflicting land uses in and around wetlands, image time series processing in the Google Earth Engine environment, etc.)\nLinkage to socio-economic processes: ecosystem services"@en . "Earth Observation for wetland monitoring and management"@en . . "EO for Wetland Monitoring and Mgt."@en . "EO for Wetland Monitoring and Mgt."